In my opinion, to stop the violence, two things need to be addressed: education and accountability.
I do not believe the violence can be eradicated overnight. It’s taken years to get to this point. It may take several years to rise up out of this destructive behavior.
The reason why I stress the importance of education is simple. Knowledge is power. We, as individuals, and also as a community, need to educate ourselves, then we can educate our children.
The shaping of the mind starts at home with the parents. The nurturing ones character begins with what is learned and demonstrated at home.
Education is the key…
We need to take it upon ourselves to teach our children the necessity of our history and the importance of understanding the system of government. We must introduce our children to proper money management. Explain the significance of banking and finance. The art of budgeting has to be emphasized.
Our children must also be taught the basic of law; they must know their rights as American citizens. It must be addressed and stressed the importance of home and property ownership.We must teach our children who the real heroes are and not to imitate the negative images that appear on television or the old fools they see at the neighborhood deli’s, etc.
The accountability issue I have is with all of us old heads, who have learned from experience the results of righteous thinking and action can deliver a life full of success. I realize now exactly how old head is defined. It is a time-tested term of endearment.
(People who are organizers, leaders and defenders of the community who provide a younger person with hope, encouragement, advice and direction that will help them reach their full potential!!) As explained by the United Community Action Network U-Can.
If the real old heads take the time to nurture not just their children, but accept the role of sponsor to an at-risk youth, our community will gradually over time replace the destructive behavior with neighborhood empowerment.
Developing business in our communities that are owned by someone who looks like us.
More faith-based programs that offer significant assistance to those in need.
Each and everyone needs to step up and stand out. Teach our youth…
Do not cave in to ignorance. Show them a better way.
Ronald Akes #LV-0264
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